General introduction
The Departments of Pediatrics in United Family Hospitals aim towards providing the most comprehensive care for children from birth to 17 years. As healthcare providers we understand the wide array of needs of children as they go through the critical period of infancy to developmental stages of early childhood. As their needs increase with age, it is inevitable that children will encounter illnesses common in childhood. To this end we are proud to provide the different specialty care within our various faculties.

Our physicians are drawn from both internationally and locally trained specialists, allowing us to provide the highest standard of care based on international standards. On a day-to-day basis, all members provide general pediatrics care, and are ready to provide specialty care as needed. As illnesses may develop and become more complex, our physicians are able to work with local tertiary centers for consultation for more complex care.
Guidelines for Pediatrics care are mandated and drawn largely from international standards set by the American Academy of Pediatrics, Canadian Pediatrics Society and British Pediatrics Association. But more importantly all physicians and nurses are required to be certified on ACLS, PALS, NRP and BLS. All physicians are required to attend international CMEs as part of their contract of employment.
Specialized Services
As United Family Healthcare grows, the Department of Pediatrics moves ahead with expansion into different specialties. We have extended our care to include Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Orthopedics, Neonatal Surgeries, Pediatric Dental, Pediatric Eye care, Pediatric Dermatology, Infant Development, Diabetic Care, and Pediatric Behavioral and Mental Health counseling.

The UFH flagship, Beijing United Family Hospital, has seen growth in its Neonatal service with NICU admitting 70-90 infants per year. BJU boosts the specialized care of Extremely Low Birth weight infants with less than 28wks gestational age. Our achievements indicate the state-of-the-art care that can be provided by a private hospital in China.
Shanghai United Family Hospital is proud to work closely with local health authorities and the Shanghai CDC. To meet the standards of local immunization schedules, our physicians and nurses are trained rigorously in the use of vaccines and their side effects. Doctors and nurses are required to attend local CDC courses in order to meet the health authority requirements. Families are now able to have independent nurse visits for immunizations.
As we expand our endocrine service we are able to train our nurses to run tests independently. This is a clear reflection on the specialty training that our doctors and nurses received. Our in-house GH Stimulation test is an example.
With the increasing use of antibiotics worldwide over the last 30 years and the alarming rate of antibiotic resistance by superbugs, UFH Pediatrics has strived to reduce the use of antibiotics.
Based on training and Continuing Medical Education, our antibiotics usage has remained stable over the last three years but is moving towards a downward trend.
Why do families keep coming back?
As an international hospital, United Family Healthcare is able to provide for the needs of both international and local families. All faculty members in our Departments of Pediatrics are multilingual with Chinese and English being the most commonly used languages. All physicians and nurses work on the basis of understanding of cultural diversities, as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other affiliated cities are international world-class cities.
We are proud to say that Pediatrics care in United Family Healthcare is one of a few private facilities in China that provides comprehensive care for children from birth to early childhood. We encourage and support family-centered care allowing family members to be part of the health care decision making for their children. Most importantly we provide the most up-to-date evidence-based medical care for your children without compromising safety.